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About us

Our Story

Two Love Birds, driven by their love for food and adventure, embarked on weekly culinary explorations, discovering new flavors and hidden treasures. Inspired by their growing love, they opened Yanny’s Cafe, a heaven where guests can savor delectable multi-cuisine dishes and immerse themselves in the heartwarming tale of an eight-year love story.


Our Vision

Yanny’s Cafe embodies a passion that surpasses culinary excellence. We strive to create an experience that speaks of traditional dining. A meal with us is more than just nourishment; it’s an opportunity to create lifelong memories. Step into our sanctuary, where every detail is thoughtfully designed to inspire connection, warmth, and love.

We Serve Best


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Cafe Coffee

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Traditional Dining

A Word From
Our Customers

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Our Locations

Main Restaurant (Gaur Green City)

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Quick Serving Restaurant (Gaur City)

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